My Path To Walk.

Friday November 6, 2009

Today's Quote:

Travelers, there is no path, paths are made by walking. --Antonio Machado 

 ~ The Path

As I walk with these feet, I am in awe of the many ways Spirit expresses through me.
There is only One, living in and as me. This powerful, universal source of good is my life and my being. As I open myself to the possibility, Spirit expresses as my life, as my good.

As I walk my walk, and walk my path, I know the power of Spirit walks with me, protects me, and loves me. As I take each step on my path, I do so mindfully, I do so intentionally, I do so wholly. There is no other way to walk in Spirit. There is no other way to know Spirit.

In the realization that I am the livingness of Spirit, I know that All is good in my life. There are only experiences, each one perfect in its own way, each one spiritual, and each one unique to my path. I accumulate my lessons with love, knowing that each one has been precious to me in some way.

As I move forward on my path, I release all the old lessons. They are lessons done, and I set my focus and intention on that which is in front of me. I give easily, I accept graciously and I release joyously.

I am grateful for each moment, and I set my foot firmly with each step, knowing it is God stepping in time with me.

Having released the past to move forward with every step, I simply continue mindfully.
And so it is.


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