
Showing posts from 2009

Life demonstrates as me!

Today's Quote: What consciousness expects, accepts and embodies, demonstrates. -Dr. David Walker Affirmative Prayer: The great I Am in me and as me, is that One Dynamic Force of Good, which is All. Universal, Divine mind gives life to my thoughts daily. As I know this force works in my life always, I take great joy in my thoughts of good for me and all others.   I know that what I choose to create manifests. I therefore declare that infinite prosperity is mine in every way; in my life, relationships, and my finances the All Good of God manifests perfectly for me and for all according to my thinking. I know that which manifests, I need in this moment. It is perfect in every way.   I surrender and accept my good, in every form, knowing I am in my perfect place.   Thank you Spirit   It is done. I let it go. I am at Peace.   And so it is.

I am a reflection of my inner being.

Today's Quote: Men need assurance that the physical life is a reflection of the INNER LIFE, and that the physical life responds to the INNER LIFE through prayer - - the speaking of the Word. Benjamin F. Sherman, The Hem of the Garment, pg. 118 Today's Prayer: Know in this moment and every now moment that the one life, the one Truth, that which is indivisible in my life is that which is of God, my Source, that infinite body of the universe and even greater than I can imagine. Know with me that this power is in each and every atom and cell of our bodies, of  mine and of yours and that this source of all things is that through which I think, speak, feel, and know. In knowing this I know that this power in me creates with such conscious action that my life as I see it must be the perfect result. My thoughts by  my inner communication with source are the out-picturing I call my life. It can be no less. I am perfect as me. My Word is my bond. I I am that which I see myself...

I taste the Joy.

Today's Quote: When I am grateful, I allow my emotions fully to taste and to express the joy I have received.  ~ Brother David Steindl-Rast Our Affirmation: I am joyous in my gratitude. Today's Prayer: As I outbreathe Spirit to express as my world, I am grateful for the presence of It in and as my life. I am surrounded, and filled with the awesomeness of who and what I am. I am an individualization of the Divine; Perfect, as it can know no less than that which it is. All It creates, It creates in perfect order, in Its image.  I am that creation, as are all those who touch my world, and all that interact in my world. My world is just as I perceive it. and everything in It is just as I thought it would be. It can be no less. It is more as I vision it to be more. When and as this happens, I am in joyous gratitude. and so it is.

Tis the Season to be Awesome!

Quote: "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed." ~Albert Einstein  Affirmation: I am an Awesome expression of God's Good! This Day's Prayer: As I look around me, I see the beauty of Source in everything I see, touch, taste, smell, and hear. There is nothing It is not. God in everything is God in me. I am always in awe of Its power to express through me as my world. I am humbled that I am a powerful co-creator with Source. I am in unity with this Source of Good in me, and know that as I think my thoughts, Spirit fills my world with the beauty of this One Mind of which I am an individualization. Thank you Spirit I choose the path that is in conscious expectation of good unfolding. I know my good is my God, and in whatever form it manifests, I see the highest expr...

I am the Abundance of Spirit

Today's Quote: True affluence is not needing anything.  ~Gary Snyder, as Quoted on Garrison Keillor's "Writer's Almanac"   Today's Affirmation:   Knowing that God is everywhere present in me and in my life, I know the abundance of Spirit in me. I know God, Creator is All there is, supporting me in all I do. As an individualized expression of Spirit, everything I do I love and because I love what I’m doing and it not only benefits my clients, but it also benefits me in greater and greater ways.   I know I am always provided for and that I lack for nothing. Anything I wish to do, I am able to do easily and effortlessly. I know the universe unfolds before me in wondrous ways, and that this abundant universe is here for me and my good, just as I am there for God as an expression of Its good.   I allow Spirit to work through me knowing there is no greater source of good and I am connecting right in this moment and every moment. As I imagine my greater abu...

I allow my Imagination to expand my Good!

Today's Quote: "I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." ~Albert Einstein Affirmative Prayer: There is a Power. It is all there is in my life and my world. There is nothing else. There doesn't need to be, because It is Infinite, It is Goodness, and It is God-ness in my life. It is ever-present in and as me, and expresses as my ever-expanding idea of my life. As I allow myself to imagine greater and greater good in my life, my idea, my knowledge of God in my life grows. There is no stopping It, no holding It back, for It is Infinite, and all knowledge. My experience of It is limited by my needing to know Its expanse. I therefore just allow my good to unfold. I think no thoughts which might box it in or limit It. Knowing of Its limitless nature, I imagine outrageous good be attracted to me. I know I need not limit the experience by attempti...

For Your highest Good

Today's Quote: "Wherever I go I shall meet peace, joy and happiness. Whatever I do shall be done with reason and intelligence. I shall be surrounded by friendship, by beauty, by right action. My whole being responds to this conviction. Simply, with complete conviction, I accept my Freedom. - Ernest Holmes, "This Thing Called You. Today's Meditation: There is only One in all the Universe. It is in and of each of us, now and always. I know it by many names, and in many religions, and I know It to be the Infinite, Divine Source of all things. It is perfect in every way. I, being Its manifestation must therefore be a perfect expression of It for it can create no less than that which It is. By our nature we are perfect, whole and complete. And, by my unlearning of the past, I become that again. I am powerful by nature and as I wisely take hold of and use this power for good, it grows and multiples in me as the loaves and fish to Jesus. I open my whole being to the thought ...

I am the High note of Spirit!

Today's Quote: The music is all around us. All you have to do is listen.   ~ August Rush, from the movie “August Rush”   Today's Meditation: I am the High note of Spirit in this moment. The symphony I call life flows through me always. It is my highest Good. It is my God. I am enveloped in Its tune, now and always. Being the instrument of God in physical form, I know that I am a member of Its Symphony of Life,  a grand symphony, with the supreme conductor of all time.   As I listen, I know the great song of my life is unfolding perfectly in verse and note. I know no dissonant chords that cannot find complete harmony with my song of life, and as I rise to my crescendos and dip into my decrescendos, I just allow it to all flow easily and effortlessly and my life remains on course, in tune, centered in the right verse and completing each task in an harmonious chorus of Love. Above all else I hear the good of life flowing in perfect harmony.   I am a simple...

Think God

Today's Quote "Resist pessimism and negative thinking both in private and national life. Think only good. 'Think God.' Whatever your trouble, put God, and thoughts of God, in place of that trouble. Think godly things. Even if he or she does not appear to be doing so, see that your brother-sister is striving towards God. See the world developing and growing more spiritual."  ~White Eagle, The Quiet Mind Today's Affirmation In every situation I think, "What would God think?" Today's Meditation Spirit, Together, we feel the presence and power at work in our lives, and moving in mighty ways across this planet. Within our hearts, we feel the love that is the essence of all life. As we share this essential truth with each other, we are filled with peace, hope, joy, strength and calm assurance. As we collectively and consciously live from this well of strength, we are guided to think good thoughts and to act with love always. No matter how great the cha...

Creating My Future

Today's Quote: "Embracing change is consciously choosing our future." ~Tom Crum     from The Aiki Approach, Be Willing to Change Today's Affirmation: I surrender to the energy of my soul. Today's Meditation: Infinite Divine Presence living in, through and as me. My life continually expands beyond my present state of understanding. Every time I cooperate with a change that happens in my life, I consciously choose to align with my soul plan. Spirit moves through my soul, awakening me to more of my innate divinity. I create my future by flowing in the infinite river of Love. Thank You, God! And so it is

My Path To Walk.

Friday November 6, 2009 Today's Quote: Travelers, there is no path, paths are made by walking. --Antonio Machado   ~ The Path Affirmation: As I walk with these feet, I am in awe of the many ways Spirit expresses through me. There is only One, living in and as me. This powerful, universal source of good is my life and my being. As I open myself to the possibility, Spirit expresses as my life, as my good. As I walk my walk, and walk my path, I know the power of Spirit walks with me, protects me, and loves me. As I take each step on my path, I do so mindfully, I do so intentionally, I do so wholly. There is no other way to walk in Spirit. There is no other way to know Spirit. In the realization that I am the livingness of Spirit, I know that All is good in my life. There are only experiences, each one perfect in its own way, each one spiritual, and each one unique to my path. I accumulate my lessons with love, knowing that each one has been precious to me in some wa...

Thy Will Be Done!

November 3, 2009 - Thy Will Be Done! "What we usually pray to God is not that His will be done, but that He approve ours." ~Helga Bergold Gross Today's Affirmation I am surrendered and still in the Oneness of my unified Life. Today's Meditation I know that there is only one life. That life is God's life, and that life is my life. I know that there is no separation in any way between the Infinite and I. The I that is me is that same I in "I Am." As I create my life, it is the life of Spirit personified. In all its joys and all its sorrows, in its seeming abundance and perceived failures it only reflects that perfect idea of life as I wish to experience it in my God state. I choose exactly how I wish to spend my awakened moments. There is no one else who can live my life, God's life, for me. I am the only player, and I choose the good of my experiences. As I allow all the experiences in my world to flow, I choose to reach for and attract into my l...

Inner Fire

Thursday, November 1, 2007 - Inner Fire "When we find ourselves looking at the world and saying, 'There's nothing out there for me,' we should probably also look into our hearts and ask, 'If there's nothing out there, is there anything in here?' We need to examine our inner dialogue to discover where we might be blocking the conscious energy flow, then remove the ego, step out of the way, and let the fire of the soul shine through us." ~Deepak Chopra Today's quote is taken from: The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence Today's Affirmation I am filled with the fire of Love. Today's Meditation Infinite Source, I feel within me a cool-hot fire. When I set my ego aside, I more fully express this inner nature. I consciously shift my awareness from the outer world to the inner reality. I choose to get my ego out of way. Resting here, safe in the light of Source, I recommit myself to joy. I invite Love: E...

Happy Samhain!

Saturday, October 31, 2009 "Halloween serves to remind us that our shadow side of consciousness is always seeking to be embraced, released and healed. When we laugh at the "scary" images of this holiday, we vent some of our fears about the illusory nature of life, and release our inner tensions." ~Greg Barrette Today's Affirmation I am set free from fear and all is well. Today's Meditation Spirit, There is no place where Spirit are not fully and actively present; therefore I embrace every experience of life as a potential spiritual experience. I am healed from within of all fears, which are always based on illusion, and fully express myself as the confident, divine being I was created to be. This holiday gives rise to the occasion of my laughing at any inner ghosts and goblins, thus exposing them to be the figments of my imagination that they truly are. From within my own beingness, I am set free from all fear! Thank You Spirit...


I have decided to use this blog to publish Affirmations and Thoughts. These will be almost daily, but useful affirmations for our daily lives. I hope you enjoy these. If you would like to keep track of our travels, you can do that through my Spirit On The Road Blog or by signing up for my Spirit Newsletter which is a weekly publication. Thank you for your support. Peace & Love, Jim

Reinventing Myself

I just read Margo's latest blog and was touched and a little struck by what I heard, because I too am, I guess, reinventing ministry, at least for our organization. In more ways than one, I am reinventing how I do business. I am uprooting myself and taking to the road in search of the elusive "Cultural Creative." Definition of "Cultural Creative" is someone who is Spiritual, but not religious. That includes me. I know there are literally millions of us out there. I see Margo's situation as the perfect example of an outreach. We already have ministers doing this in Europe. They teach the philosophy like Ernest Holmes wanted in the first place, but the majority of people in Europe are turned off to religion. Can you blame them. Most of the wars in the last 3,000 years have been fought over differences in gods, and who's concepts were right. The old "my god's better than your god offense! Still no concept that there is only One, and that All Paths ...

Just Words . . . or are they?

We hear the words poverty and prosperity on the news all the time. We hear about the "War on Poverty" and the "Prosperity of the Nation." We assign the word poverty to the poor and prosperity to the rich. It makes everything so neat, so cut and dry. But have you ever thought about the words and the control they have over the thoughts and feelings of people. When you hear the words poverty and prosperity, can you feel the power behind them. Say the word poverty, and maybe put it in a sentence like, "I am poor." Can you feel how that sentence sucks the very life out of you? Can you imagine being the object of that sentence? Can you imagine how degrading it is to be "on welfare?" It may not be obvious, but if someone has a poverty consciousness, how can they ever get out of that place. Albert Einstein said, “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” And you can't be anything but poor, if you be...

New Beginnings

I have spent most of my life, marking time, marching in time, watching time, counting time, and many other ways looking at time as being something that was finite and fleeting. Lately, I have started to look at time as something that I have been unconsciously obsessed with. I have always, I guess, looked at it as something there is never enough of. That I'll never have enough of it to get everything done. I also was never a religious person, and I'm still not. Seems like a strange thing for someone pursuing the ministry to say, but it's true. Probably why I am a Religious Scientist. Now that I am more aware of who and what I am, I find myself less concerned as to how much I accomplish in my life, because I am an eternal soul. I truly believe that. Being eternal, I am able to know that anything I do is good. Hell I could just BE and that would be good, but I choose to do and be more. I enjoy just "being" sometimes, but I need more, so I try to help people. Being a ...